The Map
The map of the new earth—Let’s hypothesize that water did not evaporate and climate change only causes the sea level to rise. Some land with low altitude will disappear, although it isn’t a lot on a world scale, many people’s homes will be destroyed (Maybe can make an animation of it), while the land associated with hot, tropical regions and dry, desert regions expand to cover a significant portion of earth.
Sea Level Rise
Heat Expansion of Water
Coefficient of thermal expansion for seawater: ~0.00021 per ℃
Sea Level Now (V0): 3682 Meters
Temperture Rise (T) (Assumption): 5℃
ΔV = βV0T
V = 0.0002136825
V = 3.8661
Ice Melt
M=Annual mass loss (kg)
Sensitivity of ice melt to temperature rise (k): Glaciers and Ice Caps: 1200 Gt/℃
SLR0.166 mm=0.000166 m10=0.00166
Sea Level Rise 3.86276 m
Please only focus on the results due to technical issues :(