2024: People began to exploit fossil fuels extensively, though scientists had warned the governors about the risk of a dystopian world. The political leaders decided to ignore the rising global temperature and as well as the sea level.
2030: The political leaders reinforced their opinions that there was no need to protect the environment. They announced that the earth was only a launching pad for human beings, and we should use the natural resources on earth efficiently and quickly so that we could escape from the earth and colonize other planets. Scientists were required to search for habitable planets close enough to the earth.
2040: People discovered huge amounts of fossil fuels in Africa.
2045: The capital of Saudi Arabia was destroyed by a nuclear bomb from an unknown country, and the country was broken into several different parts. World powers rushed into Saudi Arabia in the name of preserving world order, when in fact they were fighting for the oil in the country.
2046: The EU became a country and they announced they would intervene in the war in Saudi Arabia, for “a peaceful world”.
2048: Africa was divided by the world power.
2050: The coastal area was eroded by the rising sea level in Maldives, and as the fresh water in the island ran out, the Maldives decided to seek international asylum. At the same time, scientists estimated that the global temperature rose by 2 degree centigrade.
2060: most of the coastal cities including ShangHai and ShenZhen were eliminated from the earth. Scientists estimated that the average global temperature rose by 4 degree centigrade.
2070: Countries around the world rushed to exploit fossil fuels, and fossil fuels were exhausted. The world war broke out when all the countries were trying to steal fossil fuels from their neighbors.
2078: The world war ended. Only America, China, Russia, and the EU managed to survive in this catastrophic event. Nuclear weapons were widely used and 95% of people died. The survivors agreed to stop fighting for fossil fuels. At the same time, most heads of state tried to put the power of the country into their own hands, making the country a centralized country.
2080: Scientists discovered that methane, which was produced by the dead bodies of soldiers and animals, were released into the atmosphere. This would strengthen the greenhouse effect and eventually lift up the average temperature by 8 degree celsius. Scientists suggested the government build underground shelters for the future generations.
2100: The earth was running out of fossil fuels.
2110: Most countries completed their underground shelters, and people drew to decide whether they could enter the underground cities. The population further decreased to 2 billion.
2130: Global transportation system was built and people gradually got their life back on track.